Home Remedies to Enhance Breast Size
Before you shell out those bucks from your pocket and give your skin a knife route why not to try out these home remedies which have been proven to give effective results. With home remedies you need to be dedicated and very patient because the results are not overnight. So if you have smaller breast due to any reason just try out these home remedies and feel the change yourself.
1) Regular Breast Massage: Massaging helps to increase the blood circulation in this area and it also releases the growth hormones through the sense of touch.
a) Using oils :Take any natural oil with which you want to massage your breasts with.
Now pour some oil on the palm and then start rubbing to create heat.
Now place your palm on the breast and move it in circular rotation.
(Start by pushing breast towards each other then up and then away from each other and then finally back towards pushing)
This completes a rotation and you have to complete at least 300 rotations at one time
Repeat the massage twice a day for at least a month or two to get effective results.
B) Using own hands: If you do not wish to use any oils you can simply do this massage using your hands.
Rub the palms together so that the friction makes then a little warm.Then do circular massage on each breast .This massage has to be repeated twice a day and completing 300 rubs.
2) Fenugreek paste: This is a rich source of phytoestrogen and prolactin which are essential stimulants for breast growth.
Take One cup fenugreek seeds.
Grind it finely
Now soak this powder for one hour till it becomes a soft paste. Simply massage your breasts with this paste till the paste dries up, then wash off with water.
Do this daily before shower for at least three months to see the desired result.
3) Onion juice:Onions, one more addition to a simple home remedy for natural breast enhancement.
Prepare a mixture with onion juice (2tbs), honey (1tbs) and turmeric (1tbs) and apply it on the breasts. Leave this mixture overnight and wash this off next morning. Not only will it help to increase the size but it will also make the sagging breasts firm.
4) Red Lentils: This ingredient is readily available in your kitchen. Soak red lentil in warm water for a couple of hours till it becomes soft. Now grind this to a fine paste. Take this paste and apply it to the breasts till the paste dries completely. Then simply wash off. Use this daily for some months to see a difference.
5) Cod liver oil and fennel seeds: Heat cod liver oil in a pan and put some fennel seeds to it till these seeds become red.
Strain this and massage this oil gently on the breasts. Leave it for 30 minutes on before washing it off.

Home Remedies to Enhance Breast Size
Reviewed by Unknown
October 07, 2016

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