Home Remedies for Cracked Heels - Cure Cracked Feet Fast
7 Home Remedies to Quickly Heal Cracked Feet
1. Fruit Pack
Banana is one of the best ways to help heal cracked feet fast. Take a couple ripe bananas and mix them into a paste. Put this paste on the affected areas of the foot and leave on for about twenty minutes. You may also leave it overnight with socks pulled over it to quicken healing time. Mashed avocado mixed with coconut oil will provide benefits as well.2. Massage with Olive Oil
Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer for the skin and has been added to baths for centuries. There are many who add olive oil to the bath on a regular basis and swear by its ability to keep skin smooth. Massaging olive oil into the cracked areas of your feet will help to quickly heal annoying symptoms. The oil will help to moisturize while the massage will help stimulate circulation. Almond oil is another excellent oil to help heal cracked feet. Coconut oil is also beneficial.
3. Vaseline and Lemon Juice
A mixture made of Vaseline and lemon juice should do the trick to heal cracked feet in a hurry. To use this easy home remedy, soak the feet in warm water for about twenty minutes and make sure to dry completely. Mix one teaspoon of Vaseline with three teaspoons of lemon juice and mix well. Rub this over the feet and let sit for about an hour. You can also leave it on overnight and cover with socks. Doing this everyday will see result in about a week.4. Honey
Honey is super good for the skin. Not only is it super nourishing, but is full of antibacterial properties. People have been using honey for thousands of years to treat a variety of different conditions, and many know of its strong attributes for healing skin. All that is needed is to mix a half cup of honey in a bucket of warm water. Soak your feet in here for twenty minutes and then scrub with a washcloth or loofah. Repeat this as many times as necessary until you see results.
5. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is known for its beneficial properties in promoting good skin health. It is known to treat fine lines and wrinkles and people have used vitamin E for centuries to help keep a youthful glow. Vitamin E will do wonders in helping to heal and prevent cracked feet. You can take it in supplement form, or get pure oil and rub it onto the affected parts of your feet. You may also want to introduce more vitamin C rich foods into your diet including avocado, almonds, apricots, papaya, and sunflower seeds.

Home Remedies for Cracked Heels - Cure Cracked Feet Fast
Reviewed by Unknown
October 24, 2016

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