7 Home Remedies For Anti Aging Skin
½ c plain organic Greek yogurt
¼ c cucumber, chopped and seeded
¼ c aloe flesh, peeled and chopped
½ lemon, juiced
LINE a mesh strainer with a few layers of cheesecloth and set it over a bowl. Puree the ingredients in a blender or food processor, then pour into the strainer. Cover the bowl, and place in the refrigerator for at least a few hours or as long as overnight. Transfer the thickened yogurt mixture to a clean bowl. The leftover liquid can be discarded or mixed with rice flour or almond meal to create a quick facial scrub.
APPLY a thick layer of the cream to your face and leave on for up to 30 minutes. Remove the mask with a moistened washcloth, and follow with toner.

7 Home Remedies For Anti Aging Skin
Reviewed by Unknown
October 10, 2016

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