13 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning
f you find yourself sluggish a month into your New Year's resolutions, you may find that one simple change to your routine could make a big difference. Lemons, and lemon juice in particular, boast a lot of health benefits because they are loaded with such nutrients as vitamin C, vitamin A, folate and iron, according to Organic Facts.
Here are a few reasons you should add a bit of lemon juice to your morning water:
2. Lemon can help your lymph system: Your
lymphatic system helps your body get rid of fluid in the tissue,
transports fatty acids, and helps your digestive system run properly,
according to LiveScience. Lemon juice helps by replacing lost fluids, so your lymphatic system works better.
3. Lemon can help your brain power: Lemons
contain high levels of magnesium and potassium, which help your brain
and nervous system function properly. Because lemons help increase
hydration, you may also be able to concentrate at work better because
you have more energy.
4. Lemons are a diuretic: If you are
feeling a little stopped up, warm lemon water each morning will help get
your system back on track. Lemon helps flush toxins out of your system
by encouraging the production of liver detoxification enzymes, according
to The Spirit Science.
5. Lemons can help the immune system: Many
people reach for vitamin C as soon as they feel a sniffle coming on, and
for good reason. Vitamin C has been proven to shorten the duration and
severity of a cold, according to LiveScience.
Lemons are one of the best sources of vitamin C. Because lemon acts as
an anti-inflammatory, it also helps reduce the severity of respiratory
6. Lemons can aid in weight loss: The
weight loss benefits are a result of better digestion, detoxification
and an increased production of bile, which breaks down food and fats
better. As an added benefit, scientists say that lemons help reduce
cravings, according to The Spirit Science.
7. Lemons can liven your mood: Because
lemons help your body work better in so many other ways, your energy
levels get a boost too. Additionally, the high vitamin C concentration
also helps nip fatigue and reduces stress and anxiety.
8. Lemons have anti-inflammatory
properties: As mentioned above, lemons act as a diuretic, which is good
for your tummy and your joints. Lemons can help reduce swelling and pain
by flushing toxins out of the body, according to Organic Facts.
9. Lemon juice aids in digestion: Lemon
juice gets your liver moving and helps in the production of bile which
lets your body digest foods better. Surprisingly, lemon juice may also
help ward off heartburn, according to Paul Hrkal.
10. Lemon cleans and clears your skin: Lemon
juice is a natural antiseptic, according to Organic Facts. You can
apply lemon juice to a sunburn or a bee sting to reduce pain and
swelling. Additionally, the antioxidants in lemons help reduce wrinkles
and blackheads and can give your skin a healthy glow.
11. Lemon can balance body pH levels:
Despite their obvious acidity, lemons are known as an alkaline food.
When the lemon juice mixes with water it helps produce molecules in your
body that balance the pH levels of your body, according to Paul Hrkal.
12. Lemon can aid in curing a cold: A diet high in vitamin C can help reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms.
13. Lemon is great for dental care: Not
only is lemon a great way to get fresh breath (it removes odors), it is
also an excellent way to ensure your teeth stay fresh and clean. Try
adding a bit of lemon to your toothbrush.
To maximize the health benefits of lemon
juice, squeeze the juice of 1/2 of a lemon into a glass of
room-temperature water and drink it first thing in the morning.

13 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning
Reviewed by Unknown
October 16, 2016

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